Monday, January 31, 2011

Online Friends VS Offline Friends

In 2005 while pregnant with Chase I joined a social networking site called What to Expect When You're Expecting. I didn't participate much in the group that I was a part of (September 05') and eventually stopped going all together. WTE is a place for expectant parents, and parents trying to conceive to gather and share stories, information, and experiences with each other. When I got pregnant again in 2008 I updated my information to the new group, February 2009. This time I decided to jump in and participate.  I instantly felt this sense of belonging to this group. There was something about the other woman that were there going through the same up and down hormonal roller coaster that pulled me in. Over the course of our pregnancies we shared our lives with each other. We all got excited to hear the babies genders, we cheered each other on when our bodies started getting ready to labor, and we provided each other a shoulder to cry on when things were hard.
It's been 2 years and 9 months since most of us "met" online and to this day almost all of us are still friends. We keep up with one other via numerous social networking sites; Cafemom, Facebook. Some of us have met in person over the years and a lot of us keep up with one another via text and phone calls. 
When asked recently if I consider these ladies to be "real" friends, I didn't hesitate to answer YES! These girls probably know more about me than some of my offline friends and over the years they have been a real source of comfort and encouragement. Isn't that what being a friend is all about?
I do think it's best to maintain healthy balance of real life and online friends but I don't for a second believe that one is more important than the other. I think what makes a relationship a true friendship isn't where you met but what you've shared and learned along the way.  

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Only Thing Worth Stealing is a Kiss From a Sleeping Child

Bedtime is my favorite time of the night after a long day... but today wasn't long, today was perfect. I didn't spend all day cleaning or chasing after kids. I didn't spend the afternoon tired or frustrated. I spent the whole day playing and hanging out with my babies!
When it was time for bed I hung out with Joelie in her room for a little while. She wanted me to lay down with her (on her toddler bed) so I climbed up there with her and watched her as she watched Kai-Lan. I was rubbing her arm and she would look up at me with those pretty blue eyes and have the sweetest smile on her face. I stayed with her until her eyes got heavy and kissed her chubby cheek goodnight.
I tucked the boys into bed but with Casey being gone I knew that Chase would end up in my room sooner or later. He normally waits until Pacey is asleep and comes in. It wasn't too long before he was cuddled up on the chaise at the foot of our bed snoring away!
About an hour later Pacey woke up and came in here too. He didn't want to sleep alone. :) I let him climb up in bed with me. It took him a little while to stop talking and go to sleep, such a silly boy. I'm actually glad they are in here with me.. helps me from feeling so lonely. Plus all this snoring makes me feel right at home!
I love days that end with nights like this.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"I'd like to be the ideal mother, but I'm too busy raising my kids."

You remember before you had kids when you witnessed a toddler throwing a tantrum in the store, or saw a school aged kid yelling at his mom, or heard stories about teens sneaking out, how you swore up and down your kids would never EVER do anything like that?
Yep, I said the same things! "My kids will never be allowed to play with things like that". "I won't ever let my kids wear something like that". "My kids will do what I tell them to do". "My kids will eat what I tell them to eat".

Then you become a mom and slowly everything you said wouldn't happen, slaps you in the face! Everything you said your kids would do, they don't ever do without a fight, if at all! It's a life lesson. Don't ever glare at another mom for what she is or isn't doing in a situation. Sure, we all want to be the "ideal" mom, but you better believe what you think is ideal is far from realistic! 

I like to call my oldest son my Trial and Error kid. Poor thing. I've never had a kid his age before so he is paving the way for his younger siblings as well as what kind of mom I'm going to be to each one of them. It may not be fair, but it's the truth.

As he enters the teen years I think about everything I said he would NEVER do and I prepare myself to handle it when it does happen! No worries, if he doesn't do these things, there is another almost teen right behind him so all that preparation won't be wasted. 
So I'm back to square one. I've decided what my next child isn't going to do based on what my first child did and well... we all know how this is going to end...

So for the next 18 years I'm going to be the mom that searches backpacks, checks online usage, reads text messages and diaries as well as eavesdrop, won't allow her kids to go places without checking in every few minutes, refuses to let her kids ride in cars driven by teens, requires a copy of SS cards and DL's before letting her kids go on dates BUT doesn't allow her kids to go on dates alone before the age of 16 anyway, checks to make sure all homework is done, grades are passing, and missing assignments are completed on a weekly basis and won't hesitate to do drug tests. Yep... that is the plan. As time goes on... I'll be sure to let you know how it all works out!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind

Two more nights before Casey leaves to Zurich again. Thankfully it's only 2 weeks this time instead of a month. I love that he gets such great opportunities with Google. He has been able to go places he probably never would have gone. I think this time he may even get to go to Germany! How cool is that?!

I can't help but get a little sad when it's almost time for him to go. It isn't that I'm upset about having to take care of the kids on my own for so long. That isn't it at all. I will just miss him. So will the kids, especially Joelie. She knows when he comes home everyday and for the first week she will run to the door every time she hears it open saying Daddy Daddy! and it will break my heart. Plus... he's my release, just having him here to listen to me, to get things off my chest, for support... when he is over there the time difference makes it really hard for us to communicate. None the less we will survive. I have a really long to do list that will keep me busy and a fabulous birthday party to finish planning! 

Heck, maybe later in the year he and I will get to escape together to Australia or one of the other fabulous Google locations! :) A girl can dream!  

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one!

February marks the beginning of the first birthday season for us with one in February, the second in March, and the third in April.  The next season beings in August followed by three in September. It's a very busy time of the year for us and planning is in full effect. 

This year the first party belongs to Joelie. She is turning 2! I can't begin to tell you how excited I get planning her birthday party. It's so different than it was planning the boys, imagine that! Her theme this year is Hello Kitty. Yes, we do themes! :) Cake is ordered, presents are hiding, and decorations are ready to go! I can't wait for it! She is going to love all the Hello Kitty stuff! Oh, did I mention her birthday outfit is the most adorable thing EVER?!? I bought her a dress, necklace, and earrings PLUS I made her a tutu and ordered a birthday shirt with matching bloomers for her! I can't wait to share her birthday pictures! 

The next shindig belongs to Pacey. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around him being a year older already. It has happened so fast. I always think that I can't wait until he is out of this whiny stage, but the truth is... I really can.
He hasn't decided where he wants to have his party or what "theme" he wants to go with. I'm sure we will end up having the party away from home, which is fine with me, less for me to have to clean up!

Venus gets the final birthday this go round. He won't want a party but money instead, which he will no doubt spend on computer and/or video games. Did I mention he is going to be a teenager? 

Every year it comes as a shock to me that it's time to celebrate birthdays. I wish I could just hold my breath and make time stand still even if just for a minute longer. It's an amazing ride watching our kids grow up and playing such a big roll in who they are, I just wish it didn't happen in a flash. 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"A diet is the penalty we pay for exceeding the feed limit."

My first blog entry! Whew hew!
I'm on a diet. Who isn't these days? And well, I hate it. I like food. I want to eat. I don't want the good for you Atkins, South Beach, Fad Diet foods, I want the bad for you sweets and salty snack foods. YUM! 

I started my diet on Wednesday of this week. I think I'm on the Atkins diet. Heck, I could have just made up the diet on my own! In addition to eating right I'm also working out. I think? Can you call it working out if you don't use weights, or leave your house? I'm using The Biggest Loser and Dance Central on the Xbox Kinect. I love it!

I don't watch The Biggest Loser show but I get the gist of it. When we bought the game I wasn't sure what to expect but it had great reviews so I thought why not! I actually really like it. The workouts are intense and fun and I like the way they mix it up. there are a few things they could improve on but overall it's a great game!
Dance Central is a blast! I love dancing. I always have. I feel a little funny enjoying it so much being that I'm OLD but then again, so are some of the songs!  The funny thing is... I've had dance offs with Venus and Sequel and beat them both! Oh yeah, this momma has rhythm! 

I'm weighing in every Wednesday with one of my mommy groups (I'll save that for another blog entry) so I'll make sure I mention how I'm doing when I post here too!

Next topic... Birthdays :)