Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How Sweet It Is...

I recently started reading a book that utterly disgusts me. At the same time it has opened my eyes to things I have never thought about and makes me question everything I already know. 

One of the topics discussed is sugar. I personally don't use a lot of sugar but sugar-free or sugar substitutes instead. I even do the same for the kids. It makes sense right? Sugar is bad for you so sugar-free is better for you? 
After reading the book and hearing about all the horrific side effects of aspartame I decided to check labels on products in our home. Low and behold... it's in EVERYTHING! Our Crystal Light drinks, the sugar-free Kool-Aid, yogurt, gum, jam, salad dressing... the list goes on and on. 
Here I think I'm doing something healthier for my kids but this book claims I'm poisoning them and myself. Great. 
What the hell are you suppose to do? I'm reading the "side effects"; headache, cramps, memory loss, vision problems, cancer, depression, increased hunger... on and on and on. It all has to be true, it's written in this horrible book. 
So I come up with this bright idea to use Splenda in everything instead and go back to buying "real" juice vs the sugar-free stuff. But wait... Splenda is poison too? It was discovered while trying to make a new pesticide. That can't be good... right? So, I'm reading the "side effects", again; gastrointestinal problems, skin irritation, chest pains, mood swings, depression, itchy eyes... on and on and on. Now what? 

Just when I think my head is going to explode with an overload of information and confusion I decide to further investigate Carcinogenic foods, which is the part about sugar and artificial sweeteners that scares me the most, and find a top 10 list. 
1. Any charred food. ANY. 
2. Meat, especially overcooked. 
4. Salt and Spicy Foods. 
5. Sodas 
6. Trans Fats (think fries/chips) 
8. Excessive Alcohol 
9. Foods cooked at high temperatures. 
10. Farm-raised fish. 
Yep. I'm a horrible HORRIBLE mother. 

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