I love to dance! Sadly the only form of dancing I do now is while in front of the Wii or Xbox.
When I was a kid dancing was my passion. My friends and I would spend just about every weekend at clubs participating in dance competitions and learning new moves.
As much as I enjoy dancing I don't remember the last time I actually danced in public and I have NEVER danced with Casey in the 8 years we have been together. I would love to dance the night away with him one day. If I haven't forgotten how to.
If you ask my kids they will tell you I'm too old to dance. Of course I believe that is true if they are comparing me to booty shaking teens! I can't get "low" or "dougie" but I still have some rhythm left in these old bones!
I try and talk the boys into playing Dance Central with me and having dance offs every chance I get, but they are too cool for that! The couple of times I did talk them into it I kicked major butt! Oh... and guess what I can do that they can't!! I can do the "Soulja Boy"! What? What? Haha!
Maybe one day when I'm too old to hip hop and sexy dance in the living room, I'll take up ballroom dancing instead. Until then... this mama is gonna keep on dancing and maybe, just maybe I'll have a pole installed ;) !!
Hehe, you go mama!!